Random Ramblings...

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Friday, September 28, 2007

uhh....5 years?

And finally, its 5 years since I stepped out of college...and started working!!!

Wow....5 years....can't quite beleive its been so many years...;)
I used to think 5 years was a big chunk of time...and life...

Like the pic on the left (an album cover that I flicked off the net and screwed around with a bit ;) ), 'The Last 5 years' has been all a blur...dint really realize time flying by....

Nah, I dont wanna start introspection into where these 5 years have taken me or where they haven't taken me....why bother, I am happy where I am :D

Anways, its been a nice 5 years...good times...
So, here's to the next 73 years of life!!! :D
Lemme go have some 'energy drink' to stick around that long ;)


Blogger N A R I YA L C H U T N E Y said...

So what about those three years in college :). Sorry four years . The portals of MEC still remember the time you spend inside the CC :P

October 3, 2007 at 3:25 AM  
Blogger a.g.j said...

aaranu ee nariyal chutney?
oh yes...four years was another blur...poyathu arinjilla ;)

October 3, 2007 at 8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just now I got over being on the other side of quater century on this planet, and now this ... 5 years of work life !

Man times ruthless !


October 17, 2007 at 6:45 AM  
Blogger a.g.j said...

haha...what the heck, actually? ;)
I'd write blogs about the many years...but seriously, I dont think I care ;)

October 17, 2007 at 6:24 PM  

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