Random Ramblings...

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Monday, July 02, 2007

Stuck in a Web....

It is funny & interesting how much we get used to the internet and its facilities....and how dependent we become....

The Net is booming with information sources...news, blogs, maps, feeds, stock quotes....you name it....n its 'on the net'!!!

When I'm in India, I must say that my net-habits are pretty confined...I transact online, I pay bills online....but thats it...I dont remain forever logged on on Gmail or Yahoo messenger...and I dont reply to mails in 'the next 5 min' ;)

Here are some things that I do differently now....and the interesting scenarios:

- I get tickets for a baseball match and it says Seat No, Sector No...Whats Sector No? Where are my seats gonna be? I decide to give it a try and just do a Google....wow!....I get a map of the stadium with seats clearly marked so I know where the game's gonna be....and where I am gonna sit!!!

- I am working on a 6 pack (even 7-8 pack would do ;)...but don't seem to be making any progress. Finally end up reading a coupla well written webpages on common mistakes and excercises that could help!...Thanks to Lijesh n Don who gave me this info and directed me to some excellent sites...

- I have no idea how many calories that delicious dish at the cafeteria has....Enter calorie-count.com ;)....

- I am watching this movie on TNT or so....there's Tom Cruise...Demi Moore...Jack Nicholson...courtroom drama....I'd like to know what this movie's name is....More googling...and hey, its "A Few Good Men" ;)

The list goes on and on...about music that I listen to, but can't find its name...and on n on...


Blogger Pooja said...

Yeah, I haven't opened a dictionery or encyclopedia in such a long time. I just use dictionary.com or search engine.

Sometimes I have the urge for picking up pape and writng a letter , the old way, thn i type a 2-line email in broken english and am done.

July 4, 2007 at 10:56 PM  
Blogger a.g.j said...

writing a letter? ;)
Interesting that you thought of writing a letter....its been sooo long since I did something like that....now its all write and print at the max.

July 4, 2007 at 10:58 PM  

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