Random Ramblings...

Rantsss...Screaams...Laughs ;)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sip Sip Sip ;)

Its such a nice feeling...to have a nice lunch and be drinking a lil hot cuppa...

I used to think I was more of a coffee person (reminds me I am starting to describe people in terms of 'coffee person', 'cricket person', 'early-up person'...and so on!)...until quite recently...

I like coffee...maybe lil like I do alcohol, though quite opposite...

Alcohol makes me less thoughtful, more calm, more nice n humane ;)...lets me write drunken blogs ;)
Coffee makes me more active, less sleepy...gets me bloggin more ;)
Ya, I guess I resort to coffee the way a lot of office workers do, esp. those typing away all day at their computers and check mail frantically for 'signs of life'...i like that phrase :D
I like espresso shots...they are a bit like tequila shots...except the reverse effect...;)

That was all till we bought some masala for cooking...and got a coupla of Tazo tea bags freeee...calming tea, black tea, some other tea ;)....and those lil fundoo looking packs just hung around in my cupboard waiting for a chance to strike ;)

Finally, its cleaning time...and we wonder if we should use em tea bags or just throw em out....settle for Option 1 and I am sipping away Tazo tea....
Those marketing guys are real good with all the fundoo lines on the pack...about monks sipping away this tea after meditation and all that...hahaaa....wait till the monks hear about all this branding ;)
But yes...i must admit...the tea IS good....nice to sip away....whether its the healthy n invigorating feel of green tea with herbs....or the black tea (so reminescent of India...).
Am sipping away some nice black tea as I blog away....aaah ;)

I think I am gonna buy more packs of these exotic teas sometime soon....maybe gift em...for all I know, I think I am beginning to enjoy tea...getting to be a 'tea person' :D

Here's what one reviewer for Tazo tea had to say:
"Warning: HIGHLY ADDICTIVE TEAS. Once you taste these teas, you will want to try them all and forever be on a search for new Tazo teas. Fortunately they have enough tea blends to entertain you for years."

ps. Black tea is great to sip on...but am beginning to think its got some laxative 'features' as well ;)....actually there are more people who think so....check google...


Blogger Pooja said...

The use of emoticons in your blog entries have far exceeded pooja's accepted limit. Sorry you have failed he Pooja-log-emoticons-usage barrier test.

July 4, 2007 at 10:58 PM  
Blogger a.g.j said...

You sound like a bot...I thot u were real ;)

July 4, 2007 at 11:05 PM  
Blogger Pooja said...

i wud never say that about you

July 7, 2007 at 2:39 PM  

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