Random Ramblings...

Rantsss...Screaams...Laughs ;)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Rain Rain Go Away!!!

Aah, I just cant think of why anyone would come up a rhyme like Rain Rain Go Away ;)...I just luvvvvvv the rain!!!

Its been a nice day...raining nice n well....nice breeze...lil cold...makes you shiver just a lil bit....
Aaah, what a time to indulge in a lil drink....;)...nah, I decided not to...mood nahin hai ;)
I thought I'd rather click away...snap a coupla pics...aaand...here's one...

Its just the rain streaming down the roof or 'whatever-u-call-that-thing-jutting out of the roof' ;)
Interestingly, there are people I know who dont like the rain...
Some of em dont like it coz they cant go out, do stuff they want...
Others just plain dont like it...find it depressing...
Ya, the rain is sometimes depressing....I guess its on the same lines as what a friend told "Winters typically clock the highest number of suicides in the US"...
You know, staying indoors...thinking too much....especially stupid analytical folks like me :D

I guess I better quit thinking...atleast for a while!!! ;)


Blogger Pooja said...

I can never get rain pics rite, and then the perpetual fear of getting the lens wet if I go too close.

On that note, its been raining like crazy past 2 nites here leading to the usual problems - extremely bad roads, pools of watre all over, vehicles mecilessly splashing water on helpless pedestrians & power failures.

September 11, 2007 at 1:08 PM  
Blogger a.g.j said...

dont worry so much bout the lens...as long as the water doesnt ooze in, its fine...
I think my cam has seen a decent amount of water and is still fine...;)
And frankly, as long as it aint a costly SLR lens, dont worry so much ;)

September 11, 2007 at 6:21 PM  
Blogger The Lost Wanderer said...

"especially stupid analytical folks like me"

looks like i've been you more than u've realized.. :)

September 13, 2007 at 2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rain is ideal to lay in bed and lazily glance out of the window.. nothing like it !!! But when it comes to cycling in rain and heavy winds all the way to work , now thats when you start hating it !!!


September 26, 2007 at 6:51 AM  

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