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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Gloomy Sunday

Sunday is gloomy, my hours are slumberless
Dearest the shadows I live with are numberless
Little white flowers will never awaken you
Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you
Angels have no thought of ever returning you
Would they be angry if I thought of joining you?

Full Lyrics

Hmmm....this song would probably be one of the most intriguing songs that I've listened to..

The song dates back to 1933...with origins in Hungary....written by a Hungarian self-taught pianist and composer Rezső Seress. What is most enchanting about this song is the slow melancholy feel to it....and the sad knowledge that it inspired many suicides (apparently), especially during the Nazi period. Frankly, its a very beautiful but sad song -- you could really get depressed listening to it ;)....but ya, you could listen it on and on, without getting bored....I could, atleast.

I never knew this song existed...for a really long time...till I saw the movie 'Gloomy Sunday' which is based on this song. The central characters are Ilona (Erika Marozsan) a gorgeous waitress at a nice lil restuarant, the owner of the restuarant (who's Ilona's lover as well), a young wonderful pianist and a German.

Ilona is a woman of such beauty as to make any man lose himself. Every man who walks into the restaurant is captivated by her beauty and depressed by the thought that they cannot have her. It is not difficult to see why this is so....as you see this movie ;)
The pianist composes this song 'Gloomy Sunday' as a birthday gift to Ilona.
But he is soon saddened when he realizes that his song inspires many to suicide.

The story, set in Hungary...slowly drifts into the Holocaust times...with Jews being arrested, their properties confiscated....and you literally feel so angry....so cheated...
Its a great movie, for those who love drama and are not scared to get depressed or angry....Every movie doesnt have to be a 'And they lived happily ever after' story ;)
Atleast for beautiful Ilona, its a must watch ;)
Thankfully, someone's got a clip of this on youtube...with the song.

To speak of this song, lots of artists have recorded this song. Diamanda Galas, Billie Holiday, Sarah Bergman...the list goes on...the best ones are by these three though. Here's a youtube video based on the Billie Holiday version.

And, yes...the composer of this beautiful song...Rezső...did commit suicide by jumping off a Budapest Building in 1968 ;)
...and....this song features as No:2 in 'The 25 Most Exquisitely Sad Songs in the Whole World'
must say that....much as I love this song, I take care not to listen to it too much....;)


Blogger potatopeelings said...

y oh y... notice that most songs.... or atleast the ones i know (which cuts the count down to around 10-15 :) ) are sad, wistful, angry or abt luv... few of the i'm happy and i don't need a reason type... time to start a happy songs movement...

June 26, 2007 at 5:00 PM  
Blogger a.g.j said...

hmm...i think that art/music in itself follows that trend...The more defining or great ones are always about sadness/anger/love...probably coz artists want to stir people up...or probably coz most people are more sad/angry than happy? ;)

Artists have their affinity for sadness n depression I remember reading...and somehow beleive in ;)

But yes, I agree...WE NEED MORE HAPPY SONGS!!!

June 26, 2007 at 5:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a lovely movie.

June 26, 2007 at 10:10 PM  
Blogger a.g.j said...

alo TS....isnt Ilona fabulous ;)
Did you see an english version? Fortunately/not, I ended up seing a German (I wouldnt know if it was indeed German!) version with english subtitles :D
The shots were still good that I ended up watching it twice...
Seen the Pianist?

June 26, 2007 at 10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True, Ilona is fabulous. :) I too watched German version with Engris subtitles.

Yeah, seen Pianist.

June 27, 2007 at 11:13 PM  

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