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Thursday, June 21, 2007

I am mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!

Finally, a movie worth blogging about...after a loong time ;)

I watched 'Network'...a lil old movie...1976 as per IMDB.

A movie about television networks, probably about Ted Turner's time....the wild n mindless competition, the total loss of morality or ethics even in business decisions...and how human life itself was so skewed, contorted, dehumanized so to say...

I hate to spoil anyone's pleasure of seeing the movie...so I guess I'll skip any detail....

Well, the story begins with a TV newsreader/anchor getting fired because his ratings weren't good enough (think appraisals! ;)...He goes on air telling his audience he would blow his brains out....Much as he is expected to be fired for this, the television agency sees opportunity in this 'mishap'. They seek to keep him on the air with all his deranged talk and mad prophet talk....and on the story goes...

The key and interesting characters:

- Howard Beale, the mad tv anchor with his mad rants...
- Max Schumacher, Howard's friend and aging boss...the only sane guy for miles ;)
- Diana Christensen, a career driven lady wanting to drastically improve the channel's ratings...

The main dialogue of this movie is a Howard Beale line "I am as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!"...about people depressed with the state of things in the world...
However, the line I liked the most, on first hearing...was a Max Schumacher(nah, not Michael Schumacher ;)) line...

"You are television incarnate, Diana, indifferent to suffering, insensitive to joy. All of life is reduced to the common rubble of banality. War, murder, death are all the same to you as bottles of beer. The daily business of life is a corrupt comedy. You even shatter the sensations of time and space into split-seconds and instant replays. You are madness, Diana, virulent madness, and everything you touch dies with you. Well, not me. Not while I can still feel pleasure and pain and love."

This is the basic theme of the movie...this line says its all...

Diana Christensen, played by Faye Dunaway is a character that interests me a lot too...I fail to understand how people can lose so much humanity n feeling in the 'race to be successful'...

Wikiquote rocks...just as much as wikipedia does! For more interesting lines/quotes from this movie check Nework WikiQuote.


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