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Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Finally I went to a brewery/winery...Anheuser-Busch Breweries out here in STL.
Must say it was a pretty long walk to the brewery and back (close to 7 miles in total!)...but thanks to free beer, I am a happier man now ;)

Here's another 'happy man' asking for a second freee beeer:D

Well, I had been keeping off from beer drinking for a while. Beer is one of my favourites...for its taste and 'sippability' ;)....but thanks to 'the beer belly scare', I have been trying to stay off....

The thought of beer conjures up an image of big bellied huge fellas gulping down mugs n bottles n pitchers....aaah, not too good for those yearning for their 6 packs;)

Just on impulse, I did some googling to research on 'why beer makes you fat'. Surprise, surpise! Beer isnt really fattening as we think it to be...

Here's some quick info flicked off a BBC article...for those wanting to quickly get their facts staight before they reach for another pitcher ;)

"There's no such thing as the beer belly," says George Philliskirk, of the Beer Academy. "But it is an appetite stimulant and it's the fish and chips or curry that round off a night with a few pints that puts the weight on."

Some statistics:
Beer (4.6% alc): 41 calories
Wine (12% alc): 77 calories
Spirits: 250 calories
Milk: 64 calories
Orange juice: 42 calories
Apple juice: 47 calories

Should I change to beer instead of apple/orange juice? ;)

And, here's good news for all alcoholics...:D

"In fact, concerns about alcohol being fattening could be completely off-target anyway. Martin Bobak says there isn't even concrete evidence that the human body can turn alcohol into fat."
Martin Bobak surely sounds very intelligent, he must be right :D


Blogger Pooja said...

So does that mean you are going to gulp down several pitchers from now on?

June 15, 2007 at 10:27 PM  
Blogger a.g.j said...

nah nah...if you dint notice...more pitchers, more snacks to go with it ;)
More chicken lollipops...fish fingers....chicken fry...french fries...yummy ;)
I just happen to be trying to get in better shape....so trying not to think :D

But frankly, there have been a couple of times when I had huge salads that used to last all through the drinking...that was a good experience...coz at the end of it all, you still feel as 'lite' ;)

June 16, 2007 at 12:27 AM  
Blogger potatopeelings said...

> There's no such thing as the beer belly," says George Philliskirk, of the ***Beer Academy***
and u believed them??

June 26, 2007 at 5:03 PM  
Blogger a.g.j said...

convenient truths are to be readily lapped up/beleived!
As long as I dont find any 'concrete' evidence against it (and I dont plan to search for it!)...I'll stick to this :D

June 26, 2007 at 5:12 PM  

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