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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Doing nothing n watching others work....

I guess most people are probably guilty of one pastime....to do nothing....laze around....and watch other people do stuff...;)

I would say TV is a manifestation of this.....sitting idly on cosy couches.....watching adventurers struggle away through difficult n interesting paths...another is hanging around in balconies looking out...watching people making their way to places they've got to go to....watching em do work that they need to....

Sunday morning....misty n sleepy eyed....coffee cup in hand, I indulge in this lil pastime....of observing people working away...

Thanks to staying in a 'lil' tall building in the heart of downtown.....I get to see a lot of contruction going on...and cranes veering around drunkely....workers with hard hats walking around...going someplace....

I am not sure if you can 'feel the view'...but this is a really nice sight...
Since the windows are all big and encompass the whole wall, you could literally lean on em, look out...and forget than you are actually in another building.....you know...a bit like like being in mid-air between all those buildings ;)

Well, meet Mr. Crane....he keeps working away day and nite...lifting stuff and putting em back ;)...

I do wonder how it must be for the guy who 'runs' this crane (the guy in the centre cabin, if you can see)....office with the best view in the world....fresh air and space....no colleagues/boesses around for pretty too far ;)
But ya, it looks quite scary....atleast to me....

I like these shadows....looks like 2 workers in hard hats....n two spooky stalkers....If you can imagine em workers slowly stepping forward...one foot at a time...and the shadows following stealthily...pin drop silence...you kinda get what I am thinking ;)

Too much lazing around for a day....aaah, am tired :D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.

November 11, 2008 at 6:33 AM  

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