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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Post Processing...

I used to think that post processing was a bad thing to do....Post Processing, for the uninitiated, is just processing pictures/film after actually taking the pic....everything from blurring, grayscale-ing, sharpening, color tint-ing....much much more, depending on what tool or utility you have....and for people who do that stuff in darkrooms.....thats a totally different story....

I used to have a chat friend....who used to be crazy about doing touch ups and all crazy stuff in darkrooms.....I never got down to doing anything on those lines, though....

Ok, so....I used to think that one 'should' take a picture as one wants it....and get no points for anything done after the 'click'....;)

Basically, one should visualize what one is shooting at the moment its shot, rather than crop it, edit it, think over it....and create something else...but I guess I was wrong ;)

Lately I've been taking almost all everything I shoot, and work on editing em....its interesting to see the 'hidden' picture ;)....

The following are some pictures shot at Busch Breweries, STL...

Here's a shot of a mom and her child...the mom looking so happy....the child looking left....to see its twin bro (or sis, I wouldnt know ;)....who happened to be in its dad's arms...

I kind of like this one....gets me thinking about the happiness n concern in every parent's life....nice to be married ;)....worrisome tooo ;)

Here's another pic.....the other end of the emotional spectrum....sadness...despair....

This one really makes me a lil sad ;)

More at http://picasaweb.google.com/arun.george.john/ArtOrSomethingLikeIt


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