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Friday, June 08, 2007

Bacardi 151

Liquor is one of the few things that keeps being interesting...am yet to get bored of it ;)

Partly thanks to the many breweries n wineries n what not.....people coming out with their new variants....new stuff...interesting stuff....

I guess most of the fun of liquor is just about downing it....feeling high n mighty n good....and smiling away happily ;) The other part of the fun is about finding new forms of liquor and trying em out....this lil blog is dedicated to one such variant....the Bacardi 151°!!!

Well, the first time I saw this fella sitting lonely on some shelf, I thought 151 was just a fancy number....Bacardi 151...pure puerto rican rum...

More research n I realize that 151 is the proof. Essentially, liquor is rated in "Alcohol content per volume" or proof, which is twice the % By Volume....

What this means is that.......the 151-proof liquor is approximately 75.5% alcohol by volume....oh myy god(read in Janice tone ;)....this is really hardcore....I am used to seeing 40-50% types....75% sounds like a killer....;)

Finally, curiosity gets the better of me....and I am happily carrying home a lil bottle of this rum, grinning excitedly all over. Thanks to a recent tendency to be so tied to google n forums n types, I decide to read reviews before I actually try this....not a nice tendency maybe....coz its spoils the 'adventure' ;)

Here's what I saw:

"As with all beverages of this proof, consuming the rum by itself ("straight") is not recommended"

"Bacardi 151 is a purely ruthless liquor"

"Very Flammable...dont pour near flame"

I give up reading....and take up drinking....;)
Open up the bottle and breath in the smell....boy, this is so stinging....pungent smell that irritates your nose...
I think I am gonna try a small shot...on the rocks so to say.....just to feel how it tastes....
Pour it in....1...2....3...down!
owww.....this thing burns reeaal hard.....you can feel it really travel all the way down....and you feel lil strange / dizzy or something....I guess its just the stomach getting its shocks....had to grab some lil snack n stuff it down to feel ok....

I then settle for a lil 151+Fruit Juice cocktail....which in itself feels lil strong.....zzzz......n goood....zzzz ;)

disclaimer: I do not represent the Bacardi company nor endorse its products...least of all, the 151°. Try anything at your own risk...not mine :D


Blogger Unknown said...

Nice reading!!! Good to know that you try different flavors!!! Do you like vodka?? Have you tried Smirnoff's different flavors?? Lot of flavors like Lime,Green Apple, Vanilla, Orange etc...I liked vanilla..it gives a feeling of having ice-cream+vodka..deadly combo!!!

Keep blogging!!!


June 8, 2007 at 1:23 PM  
Blogger a.g.j said...

well, sometimes I try different flavours...sometimes I just focus on 'getting high n drunk' ;)
Vodka...not that I especially like/not...I have it...but do remember some connections between vodka and fertility ;)
Aint tried those flavors...thanks for the ideas ;)...will try em soon ;)

June 8, 2007 at 1:57 PM  
Blogger Sheni said...

Hey I did not know that u were hard core drinker ;)

June 9, 2007 at 10:50 PM  
Blogger a.g.j said...

is this vinay?
well...not hardcore....
hardcore drinkers drink...they dont blog ;)

June 10, 2007 at 12:03 AM  
Blogger Kirans Thoughts... said...

yo man u still giggle after getting high? ;)

June 12, 2007 at 10:43 AM  
Blogger a.g.j said...

aaaranu eee cyber kiran? ;)
Heard of 'Cyber Nanny' (to prevent kids from watching adult sites)....but Cyber Kiran...:D

giggle? no nooo....I never giggle...I only smile ;)

June 12, 2007 at 2:26 PM  

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