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Sunday, June 10, 2007

To Blog or Not to Blog....

aaah....here's one post thats goin to be more 'thoughts' than anythin else...a genre of posts that I wasnt sure of doin....

well, to speak of blogging per se...I must say that I have always been lazy...unsure... unconvinced....about whether to blog...or not...

I have also wondered about the differences between what people talk, what they chat, what they put down in their diaries....and what they blog...

Honestly, bleak as it may sound, blogs are not supposed to reflect people's thoughts in their entirety...blogs were supposed to be more of an in-between of diaries and magazine columns....and thats what they do.....its a bit like an artist's self portrait ;)...if you know what I mean...

Well, if I were gonna be ENTIRELY true to a blog, I would probably be ranting n shouting at every twist n turn of my mood...;) ....not a nice thing to do on a blog...
Blogging also is another manifestation of the human tendency to 'be accepted', which I am still confused about....I think everyone who'd put a lil bit of thought would agree....

my apologies if I just disturbed anyone from their blissful peace...of feeling that all is well ;)
my complements n aarghhs to the few people who got me thinking on this pt of view ;)


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