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Friday, June 08, 2007

The Tree of Half Life

Well, I just posted a pic for my profile pic...something I flicked from a Pink Floyd cover....
Just read up about it, and I think its interesting....apparently, there IS such a tree...

‘The Tree of Half Life’, though originally intended for a band called Catherine Wheel always seemed very Pink Floyd. It was submitted as an image for a Floyd 30th anniversary campaign that never got fully realized. It was so liked by the band, and by Storm Thorgerson that it appeared as a Tshirt and as the frontispiece of the ‘Mind Over Matter’ book of Floyd imagery.

The official story is that this tree profile head was achieved by helicopter topiary – a man hung from a ‘copter and cut the shape much as he might a hedge.

Photographed on Hasselblad 500C with daylight transparency in a London Park in February with available light.


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