Random Ramblings...

Rantsss...Screaams...Laughs ;)

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Unheard Melodies....

'Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter...'
Maybe true....maybe not...I can think of reasons to agree...and to not agree ;)

Anyways, here are some new songs I listened to on the radio...
and yet again, I cant but thank the internet and youtube....for leading me on to the songs that I just heard on the radio and desperately want to hear again...
Haha...nice songs that you heard on the run...are something like beautiful gals that you run into...;)
Gals that make you go "omg" for a while and wish you run into em again...but unfortunately, that never happens ;)

Thankfully, songs aint that way :)

So, here are some picks...and yet again, those are from artists I didnt know rocked...much less, even existed!!! (with the exception of A-Ha)

Well, among all the clicking and loitering around on youtube...I was just seeing this trailer from We own the night which hits the theatres is a coupla weeks...and I was thinking...what is it about these trailers and movies that really turns us on...from the aural perspective alone...
Try viewing that trailer...there are these distinct bassy sounds and so on...that strike up the pace...and instantly give you those lil nice goosebumps or lil-shivers-up-or-down-the-spine...;)
I am sure everyone's had this feeling of some sort of elevation that comes with slick trailers....Infact, not only do they excite you...they even make you feel charged or whatever...

Try listening to the Carmina Burana. Not sure whats the actual name...I guess we all know it as The Old Spice Song. The youtube video is a lil gruesome, lemme warn you...so dont see it over lunch ;)
Coming to the point....there is something about this song that instantly charges you up....

I am not sure...but I guess there must be people out there researching about the effect of different sounds or frequencies on humans...ya, take theta waves(not theeta ;) for example...
Maybe there might also be people who take this research further to introduce those 'magic notes' into trailers and movies to really spark up people....
Come to think of it....a trailer, just like an ad, has very little time to speak up for itself...the sights...and to a very large extent, the sounds...decide on how the audience is impacted...how they are pulled in...to get the cash registers ringing ;)

Time for lunch....adios ;)

Friday, September 28, 2007

uhh....5 years?

And finally, its 5 years since I stepped out of college...and started working!!!

Wow....5 years....can't quite beleive its been so many years...;)
I used to think 5 years was a big chunk of time...and life...

Like the pic on the left (an album cover that I flicked off the net and screwed around with a bit ;) ), 'The Last 5 years' has been all a blur...dint really realize time flying by....

Nah, I dont wanna start introspection into where these 5 years have taken me or where they haven't taken me....why bother, I am happy where I am :D

Anways, its been a nice 5 years...good times...
So, here's to the next 73 years of life!!! :D
Lemme go have some 'energy drink' to stick around that long ;)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Rocking Away...

Here's to two bands that I've lately been very much into...Snow Patrol...and Coldplay...
Both are quite similiar, the general style of playing...but yes, I like em both..

Snow Patrol:

I really like their songs...akin to Coldplay and a lil dash of Blink182 at times...

They've been around for a while and I like the usual favorites like Yellow, Clocks, Trouble and so forth...but here a few others that I stumbled on lately...

Monday, September 10, 2007

Rain Rain Go Away!!!

Aah, I just cant think of why anyone would come up a rhyme like Rain Rain Go Away ;)...I just luvvvvvv the rain!!!

Its been a nice day...raining nice n well....nice breeze...lil cold...makes you shiver just a lil bit....
Aaah, what a time to indulge in a lil drink....;)...nah, I decided not to...mood nahin hai ;)
I thought I'd rather click away...snap a coupla pics...aaand...here's one...

Its just the rain streaming down the roof or 'whatever-u-call-that-thing-jutting out of the roof' ;)
Interestingly, there are people I know who dont like the rain...
Some of em dont like it coz they cant go out, do stuff they want...
Others just plain dont like it...find it depressing...
Ya, the rain is sometimes depressing....I guess its on the same lines as what a friend told "Winters typically clock the highest number of suicides in the US"...
You know, staying indoors...thinking too much....especially stupid analytical folks like me :D

I guess I better quit thinking...atleast for a while!!! ;)

Its movie time!!!

Well, the last weekend, I thought I could go someplace....the weather was still fine, so we should probably be travelling before the winter (everyone's been predicting a 'fun' winter ;)...

Finally got lazy (as usual ;) and thought I'd see some movie...n started off thinking that I could maybe see Deja Vu...had a download that I thought I could see...Start off the movie, and bingo....its in Spanish!!!
Likely to be Spanish....but cant be sure, since I dont know Spanish either ;)

Well, so I settled for a lil serious movie....Amadeus....a movie about Mozart and a jealous contemporary of his, Salieri....
Its fundamentally about the well gifted people and the less gifted ones....about human jealousy....about artists...about opera....about music...
It was a lil serious movie....yes...but worth the time....infact, I am beginning to appreciate opera a bit ;)
The word Opera, atleast till now....used to remind me of the scene from Dil Chahtha Hai, with Aamir sitting through the wails n screams of an opera ;)
....and of this opera that I went to with Don once ;)
Well, for all who somehow think opera is all bullshit, but can still appreciate a good movie....try seeing Amadeus...maybe it might help you see what the guys who write/direct operas think like...

Well, Amadeus done, I thought I'd see something lighter....funny types...
and so, I switch to Dr. Pashupathy!!! Nice ol mallu movie....;)

And finally, a real classic movie that I am getting tired of recommending to everyone...Meghamalhaar...a very poetic movie so to say...starring Biju Menon n Samyuktha Varma...
The movie is about two married people who meet...and...before you think this is one of those "The Other Woman" type movies, stop!!!
Its about two people who are married and dedicated to their family lives...they meet quite coincidentally...and soon realize they once were childhood best buddies...
Aargh...I just feel like I am doing injustice to the story....go, see the movie...rather than listen to my pathetic narration :D

ps. Special thanks to www.videoduniya.com for helping me catch up on these nice mallu movies...