Random Ramblings...

Rantsss...Screaams...Laughs ;)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

More Ramblings

I just couldn't find a sensible title but just had to blog ;)

As ever, something has to inspire...and this time its another movie....Kaiyoppu.....a pretty good malayalam movie in a long time...

Thanks to more free time and a desire to shut out all thoughts of office, I am trying to see every good movie I can get hold of and listen to every interesting song I can pick up....;)
Kaiyoppu is a movie that gets categorized as 'arty', but is not another so-called 'not for the masses' movie.....its a very casually running story with a bit of art, lots of good feeling and a 'darkness' to it, which doesn't look too intentional to be fake....
I know that's confusing.....but I suggest you just ignore me and see the movie ;)

What I specially liked and what got me blogging were a few thoughts from the movie....
The goodwill and simplicity of the lead character (a stumbling writer, played by Mammooty) and a willingness to take life as it comes and not be lost in the 'race to prove yourself'....
For e.g., writing, reading or art or being kind are all just 'good, nice things' to this character....
There is none of the 'I am an obscure writer' or 'I am a buddhijeevi' thought....
I know life or humans don't come so easy and simple...but it was a nice refreshing state to be in for a lil while....

Watching 'Passenger' and especially Srinivasan's character left me with a similar experience....
Here was this guy going on with the everyday-ness of life, enjoying his daily train journey and the little joys of it and being absolutely open to help someone he barely knew....all too good to be true ;)

I really happen to one of those people who don't entirely believe in 'charity' or that people could be selfless....Man is made to 'survive' and his survival instincts just leave him incapable of being truly selfless or charitable....that's my opinion at least...

Well, just a few minutes of feel good....

I am hungry and feel-good ain't filling my stomach....;) Off to make some dinner....


Blogger Agnostix said...

I saw 'Passenger' too and liked it

December 19, 2010 at 11:50 PM  

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