Random Ramblings...

Rantsss...Screaams...Laughs ;)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Splashing around...

Well...I am typing this blog out with my speedo googles on....ya...swimming goggles... :D:D
and, before u get me wrong....lemme clarify that I dont swim at the Olympics....neither national level...not even 'local' level ;)
Am a newbie to swimming...but just got enthu-ed up recently!!!

....nah, it isnt the chicks in the pool...coz there aint any whereever I go ;)
I am just trying to have fun and stay fit....which reminds me I have two lil chocolates just before I swim
...nah, its not the 'ow, there a choc in the fridge' urge....its more of 'I need energy to swim' calculated thought :D

Ouch...these goggles are tight....

I first took some time understanding how they were supposed to be put on...
Well, you mite think this is a lil 'obsessed with the west' observation...but nah, the americans have a way with making things simple
Infact, as a friend told me once, "If you find it difficult to use something here, then you can be sure you are doing it the wrong way"....
Proves true...Putting on this pair of goggles is simple too...I just tried it on the wrong way first..;)

Now its a lil tight and gives me a lil headache
....esp me, I have a lil wide face...Speedo never designed for those dimensions I guess ;)...
and, I am not used to things on my eyes...not even specs...

I guess I'd better loosen em up a bit...grab another choc (for the energy, of course ;)..and splash in...

'Special credits' to Don for suggesting that I look for 'anti-fogging' goggles (u know, these have an anti-fogging switch with wipers n the works ;)...

Sunday, August 19, 2007


After a quick visit (I guess I could call it more of a stop-over!) to India, I am back in the US...now in a different city...Chicago...
I have been hearing lots of nice things about this city...a lively downtown...great weather thats akin to India (except the chilling killing winters!)...lots of desis....and yes, lots of relatives ;)
Am just 1 week in here...so far so good...hopefully its nice n fun...

The last couple of weeks have been too much of activity...some 'pennu kaanal' (seeing gals ;) )....
but yet, me still a bachelor...free....n confused ;)

Yes....when I come to think of it, too much has happened in the last few weeks....that suddenly the weeks before it look so bare ;)....
And now...I am gonna be here for some time....far longer than I've stayed in any American city...I hope I dont get bored...and I hope to go around a lil bit....explore this place..

Ok, a coupla things I wanna do:
- I wanna get a pair of swimming goggles...and yes, swim ;)
- I wanna get into the habit of doing some meditation....mebbe yoga, but atleast meditation...
- and yes, I wanna do some interesting work at office ;)
- get an american driving license...
- maybe do some programming...get back into the 'thinking groove' ;)
- maybe do some writing/reading....o boy, its been so long since I did either pretty seriously...

I guess I'd better do something....rather than just blog about doing ;)
So here I go....wohoooooooo........