Random Ramblings...

Rantsss...Screaams...Laughs ;)

Monday, September 03, 2012

A fresh start...

The occasional blogger that I have become...this blog is nearly never updated...

I guess that's the case with a lot of people out there...family, kids, work...there just isn't any more time...Not much reading, no writing at all...hobbies? Are you kidding me? ;)

After a really long time I took out some time to shoot and post process some pics...and made a flickr upload after probably 2yrs. Or 3 yrs?

Here's a sample....
This picture is from one of the very few early mornings that I've seen in recent years ;) I don't wake up too late as I need to travel a while to get to office, but never too early that it would give me time to think, appreciate the morning scenery....

I have been doing a bit of browsing around, reading blogs...and one particularly interesting blog on 10-benefits of rising early and how to do it caught my attention....I really hope I can start waking up early and Greeting the day as Leo suggests...

I have frankly also been doing a lot of introspection as usual...wondering where I am going...wondering where everyone else is going and so forth...age old questions that typically popup either when you can't concentrate on an upcoming exam (in college) or when you just can't progress that bit of work that you wish was already done ;)

One other thing that I have been meaning to blog about for a really long time is about another blog and a related book....Susan Cain's "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking". Here's an associated NYTimes page to get you started...
I am really someone who enjoys solitude (not that I hate being around people) in its many forms...I've just been lucky to have friends and family who could let things be as they were...but I guess there have been difficult moments as well...
What I found most interesting about the book, the blog and associated discussions is the number of people who find it difficult to enjoy being themselves because of society's notions around extroversion being an ideal and normal state...
I think everyone should have a read of this...in fact, I'd go so far as to say this should be recommended reading for high school students ;) Honestly, I think so.

There's also an interesting movie that I was lucky to see...'Arike' (malayalam, starring Dileep, Mamta Mohandas and Samvrutha)...a nice and light drama simply about love...
I find it quite interesting that love is such a mysterious and interesting subject...you can just go over it again and again with so many movies, stories, dramas, plays, poems...with just slightly different treatments or perspectives and still be interesting...
While I am fascinated by love on-screen or in literature, I somehow cannot relate to it in real life...Yes, I believe in love as a form of humanity, of affection, of belonging....but not the boy-meets-girl types that we see on screen and appreciate wholeheartedly (nah, I am not referring to the really corny n bad ones)...
As Anuradha (Mamta) says in the movie..."I don't believe in love myself...and there probably wouldn't be anyone in this world as much in love as the two of you...When I see you two is when I feel love is still very much alive in this world..."

Sunday, February 05, 2012


There is a feeling of high when you see a great movie...I'm sure anyone who has been lucky to have
experienced a 'connection' with a movie would agree...
As always, my blogs have been inspired...by someone, by something...some experience.,...In this case, a malayalam movie...'Beautiful'.
Truly a beautiful movie ;)

Very interesting script...Great dialogues...light, hearty, yet complex...
A sort of realism that's very gripping...

One of the things that I liked about the movie...other than its sense of humour, was the use of 'other movies'
and 'movie soundtracks' to dramatize a sequence...
The 'Thoovanathumbikal' background score as the stunning lead female makes her appearance...ah, might just my partiality to everything 'Padmarajan' ;)

It reminded me a bit of the final sequence in 'Cinema Paradiso'...a nostalgic, heart wrenching sequence as the lead actor
watches a sequence of clips...Well, if you have seen the movie, you know what I am talking about...but otherwise, I can't explain it...

There IS something about movies...about stories..that captivate us so much.
Its probably sometimes our imagining ourselves in the lead roles...but mostly it isn't...its the belonging...a feeling of being
part of the movie as a silent bystander who gets to peek into everyone's lives...
And sometimes, its an appreciation of the beauty of it all...a bit like how the prison inmates in 'Shawshank Redemption' felt uplifted
by an Aria though they understood not a single word of it...
Also, there is a feeling of admiration, of wonder...about the people who made the movie, told the tale...
I wish I could be so good ;)

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I still remember a couple of lines on my autograph book from college...lines penned by a friend whom I didn't know well enough...and definitely didn't understood too well...but it still is one that lingers in memory....

"You wanted to do quite a lot, but never did...You wanted to say quite a lot, but never did"

The second part is what I always find interesting...In all our daily interactions and conversations, there is so much thought, so much feeling that is unexpressed...uncommunicated.

Almost every movie that revolves around people and their relations and subtle interactions has this very theme...the Unsaid word...Fathers missing to tell their sons how deeply loved they were...Brothers misunderstanding each other and thinking that the other loves money more than their family bonds....Men who have waited all their lives to tell a woman how madly they wanted to be with them....
If people were perfect communicators and each one could understand exactly what the other thought, and why they thought so....the world would be so much happier...less arguments, less wars, less crimes....and yes, not so many themes for movies & serials :D

In the last few months and years of my life, this thought has been much more on my mind....
I have seen people dear to me argue with each other just because they don't understand each other as well as I understand each of them individually...and it has been sad.
There are people whom I've wished to say good words to, but just been too shy ;)
There are people who've inspired me purely by being themselves...and I haven't been able to tell them of the difference they've made...

There is probably a subtlety and complexity of human emotion that is beautiful to see on film...but the unexpressed thought is as useless as a helping hand that's intended but never given!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

More Ramblings

I just couldn't find a sensible title but just had to blog ;)

As ever, something has to inspire...and this time its another movie....Kaiyoppu.....a pretty good malayalam movie in a long time...

Thanks to more free time and a desire to shut out all thoughts of office, I am trying to see every good movie I can get hold of and listen to every interesting song I can pick up....;)
Kaiyoppu is a movie that gets categorized as 'arty', but is not another so-called 'not for the masses' movie.....its a very casually running story with a bit of art, lots of good feeling and a 'darkness' to it, which doesn't look too intentional to be fake....
I know that's confusing.....but I suggest you just ignore me and see the movie ;)

What I specially liked and what got me blogging were a few thoughts from the movie....
The goodwill and simplicity of the lead character (a stumbling writer, played by Mammooty) and a willingness to take life as it comes and not be lost in the 'race to prove yourself'....
For e.g., writing, reading or art or being kind are all just 'good, nice things' to this character....
There is none of the 'I am an obscure writer' or 'I am a buddhijeevi' thought....
I know life or humans don't come so easy and simple...but it was a nice refreshing state to be in for a lil while....

Watching 'Passenger' and especially Srinivasan's character left me with a similar experience....
Here was this guy going on with the everyday-ness of life, enjoying his daily train journey and the little joys of it and being absolutely open to help someone he barely knew....all too good to be true ;)

I really happen to one of those people who don't entirely believe in 'charity' or that people could be selfless....Man is made to 'survive' and his survival instincts just leave him incapable of being truly selfless or charitable....that's my opinion at least...

Well, just a few minutes of feel good....

I am hungry and feel-good ain't filling my stomach....;) Off to make some dinner....

Sunday, June 27, 2010

It's been such a long time....

This blog had been one that I'd grown used to updating on every whim and thought....
I guess I just got caught up with all the busi-ness (supposed to read like busy-ness, incase it isn't obvious) of life....

Well, I was just recently thinking about a couple of movies that were really stirring...one, 'Kite Runner' and the other 'The Lives Of Others'.
Both were amazing movies...and as someone commented 'tug at your heartstrings'...Kite Runner does that a hell lot more...

One thought or feeling I was left with...much after the appreciation of the wonderful filmmaking and story...was the feeling of anger...of seeing the most innocent being brutalised and yet not receiving any justice....and the worst of the worst doing the worst things imaginable and yet living wonderful lives...

I know it sounds like the oft repeated....God, where art thou....
Nah, I was thinking more about where people get their so-called humane thoughts...
I am one of those people who atleast most of the time believe that everything is just 'logical'...
Men run after women coz they are programmed to...People are jealous or insecure coz it helps survival...blah blah....more of what is referred to as....evolutionary psychology...of which I am an ardent supporter ;)
Why are humans 'humane'? Why do they shed tears just thinking about another's pain?
Is it just coz if they share each other's pain it helps improve overall lifespans? :D

Sunday, February 10, 2008


One thing I know I'll always enjoy no matter what...is 'walking' ;)
I still remember the induction training we had when we joined our 'first company'...And as part of some introductions, we were required to speak about our hobbies.....I remember this guy who said..."I like to walk" ;)

Silly and weird as the above statement might sound...I am sure everyone enjoys walking....in some form or the other.
Either its those "damn, I gotta shed some pounds!" morning walk...or a casual evening walk....a walk with your sweetheart..whatever it is, I guess everyone enjoys this simple pleasure of life...

So here I was, today evening....desperately wanting to go out...take a walk...feel alive. I hadn't had lunch either (it was 5PM ;) and was too lazy to cook...But it was snowing as well. So what? A decision is a decision....I went walking ;)
Out in the US, this feels weird....coz nobody really walks much...definitely not when it snows! But who gives a serious damn. If you enjoy it, why even bother? ;)
By the by....the above pic was shot while walking back..

...and, while the walk was difficult (the ice was slippery and the wind was cold)...it was enjoyable....and I didnt break any bones ;)

Speaking of simple pleasures, I discovered some interesting things you can do in the shower ;)
Nah, aint what you are thinking....;)
This is what I am referring to.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Simon, Garfunkel and the Graduate

Strange as it may sound, I've never really listened to Simon n Garfunkel....not once ;) Well, maybe I have...and dint like what I heard...
Either way, I was seeing the movie 'The Graduate'...and was pretty 'affected' by the soundtrack...all courtesy Paul Simon n Garfunkel ;)

The Sound of Silence, Scarborough Fair and Mrs Robinsonv are a MUST HEAR!!! I've been listening to em songs over n over again....for quite a while ;)

...and here's some interesting trivia bout Simon n Garfunkel off wikipedia
"The duo of Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel are American popular musicians known collectively as Simon and Garfunkel. They met in elementary school in 1953, when they both appeared in the school play Alice in Wonderland (Simon as the White Rabbit, Garfunkel as the Cheshire Cat)."
Oh, what a way to meet and start a music band ;)