Random Ramblings...

Rantsss...Screaams...Laughs ;)

Sunday, February 05, 2012


There is a feeling of high when you see a great movie...I'm sure anyone who has been lucky to have
experienced a 'connection' with a movie would agree...
As always, my blogs have been inspired...by someone, by something...some experience.,...In this case, a malayalam movie...'Beautiful'.
Truly a beautiful movie ;)

Very interesting script...Great dialogues...light, hearty, yet complex...
A sort of realism that's very gripping...

One of the things that I liked about the movie...other than its sense of humour, was the use of 'other movies'
and 'movie soundtracks' to dramatize a sequence...
The 'Thoovanathumbikal' background score as the stunning lead female makes her appearance...ah, might just my partiality to everything 'Padmarajan' ;)

It reminded me a bit of the final sequence in 'Cinema Paradiso'...a nostalgic, heart wrenching sequence as the lead actor
watches a sequence of clips...Well, if you have seen the movie, you know what I am talking about...but otherwise, I can't explain it...

There IS something about movies...about stories..that captivate us so much.
Its probably sometimes our imagining ourselves in the lead roles...but mostly it isn't...its the belonging...a feeling of being
part of the movie as a silent bystander who gets to peek into everyone's lives...
And sometimes, its an appreciation of the beauty of it all...a bit like how the prison inmates in 'Shawshank Redemption' felt uplifted
by an Aria though they understood not a single word of it...
Also, there is a feeling of admiration, of wonder...about the people who made the movie, told the tale...
I wish I could be so good ;)