Random Ramblings...

Rantsss...Screaams...Laughs ;)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

It's been such a long time....

This blog had been one that I'd grown used to updating on every whim and thought....
I guess I just got caught up with all the busi-ness (supposed to read like busy-ness, incase it isn't obvious) of life....

Well, I was just recently thinking about a couple of movies that were really stirring...one, 'Kite Runner' and the other 'The Lives Of Others'.
Both were amazing movies...and as someone commented 'tug at your heartstrings'...Kite Runner does that a hell lot more...

One thought or feeling I was left with...much after the appreciation of the wonderful filmmaking and story...was the feeling of anger...of seeing the most innocent being brutalised and yet not receiving any justice....and the worst of the worst doing the worst things imaginable and yet living wonderful lives...

I know it sounds like the oft repeated....God, where art thou....
Nah, I was thinking more about where people get their so-called humane thoughts...
I am one of those people who atleast most of the time believe that everything is just 'logical'...
Men run after women coz they are programmed to...People are jealous or insecure coz it helps survival...blah blah....more of what is referred to as....evolutionary psychology...of which I am an ardent supporter ;)
Why are humans 'humane'? Why do they shed tears just thinking about another's pain?
Is it just coz if they share each other's pain it helps improve overall lifespans? :D